Speak & Write Like a Pro
Better Stories, Better Business
Book and Speaker Coaching, Workshops,
Keynotes, Online Trainings, Books & More!

Tom Pfeifer, Book and Speaker Coach, President & CEO of Consistent Voice Communications, Keynote Speaker, Author of the book, Write It, Speak It, & Coauthor of Jumpstart Your ____, Vol. VI
Are you having difficulty maintaining an edge over your competitors? Do you want more prestige in your industry, to be seen as an authority in your field, and increase your earning potential?
Or, perhaps you're comfortable in your field -- you've made it, and you believe it's time to give back, want to share your story, lessons learned, or leave a legacy and make a bigger impact?
Either way, you need to write a book and speak about it too!
Myth: Becoming an Author is Hard & Expensive
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a mere 131,200 U.S. workers identified themselves as writers and authors in 2020. Granted, not all authors identify authorship as their primary occupation. But it's also true that most writers are not authors. Still, even if you accept that all 131,200 are authors, that's 1 in 1,000. The fact is authors are a rare breed. Why? Because writing isn't easy. If it was, everyone would do it.
But what if I were to give you the tools to help you write a book easier, faster, and better? Would you put author into your authority then?
“Tom was a fantastic editor for my Amazon bestseller, Peace in Passing: Comfort for Loving Humans during Animal Transitions. He was able to turn my raw manuscript into a cohesive, comprehensible, and clear book that resonates with my personality. His assistance was invaluable!"
- Maribeth Decker

Public Speaking Can Get You More Clients, Cash Flow, and Credibility!
The percentage of people who enjoy and thrive at public speaking is also quite low – imagine that! Do you like to speak? If so, are you an effective communicator when you take the stage? Or, do you speak to sell from stage for clients and cash flow? If you’re not speaking yet to grow your credibility, career, business or to showcase your expertise – why not? You might just have to get over a little fear and you’d see much better results. Sometimes your fear is caused by not knowing what to speak about or how to give an effective speech. That’s where I come in! I’m a world-class Toastmaster and Speaker Coach and my goal is to help you use speaking to grow your authority and your business.
“Anyone can tell a story, but does it effectively make your point? Anyone can stand in front of an audience and present, but is your message heard and acted upon?"
Darren LaCroix

About Tom Pfeifer, Book and Speaker Coach
President & CEO of Consistent Voice Communications, Keynote Speaker, Author of the book, Write It, Speak It, & Coauthor of Jumpstart Your ___, Vol. VI
After 15 years as a journalist and 15 years on Capitol Hill as a congressman’s mouthpiece, Tom Pfeifer founded Consistent Voice Communications. Among his clients was one he helped write and publish her first book. He expanded that side of his business during the pandemic. Then, in 2022, he earned his World Class Speaking Coach certification. Tom now coaches people and groups on book writing and speechwriting. He helps you determine the right niche for your book or keynote and guides you through the writing process.
Author of:
Tom is the Author of Write It, Speak It: Writing a Speech They'll APPLAUD!
This book gives you the tools you need to produce a more effective, powerful, and memorable speech. It discusses the rules and good practices of all effective writing. With that foundation set, it then lays out the ways in which speech writing differs from other forms of writing, and how spoken language allows you to make your words come alive. Providing you with techniques to write more powerful and memorable speeches through storytelling, timing, and rhetorical devices, Tom uses research and personal stories to show how you can write speeches they’ll applaud.
Tom is Coauthor of the International Best -Seller Jumpstart Your ___, Vol VI
Tom Pfiefer is one of 10 authors in this compilaition book. In it, he took a chapter from his forthcoming book on writing, due to be published in 2024, and edited it for inclusion here. His chapter is titled, “Jumpstart Your Book, The Magic Is in the Rewrite.”